The Watchers in this demo are watching:
1. Unzip the file to a folder, this is what will be extracted
Under “assets” you will get this, which is where all the demo scripts are located
2. Run Tweakeze.exe and navigate to “Watchers” screen by pressing “Watchers” button
3. You should see now Watchers under the Tweaks tab:
4. Open Windows Explorer and Create a “test” temporary folder under system drive temp folder: for example “C:\temp\test”
5. Create/Add new .log and/or .tmp file in the folder created in step 4
Tweakeze reacts and displays the new current state for the folder.
6. If you press Fix under the “Delete” option (1st), then both files will be deleted, but if you use any of the Scripting options, only *.tmp will be deleted as all scripts are filtering “*.log”.
7. See script files under /assets folder for more details.
8. If you press “Watch”, Tweakeze will run on the background from the system tray and every time you add a “*.tmp” file to the folder, it will be automatically deleted.
9. Check the Registry Watcher and play with the Registry value and you will see that any change will trigger Tweakeze to display in real-time the changes or fix them when running from the system tray.